Frequently Asked Question

Description of the functionality of Inobitec DICOM Server in the regional DICOM Server mode.
Last Updated 2 years ago

By default, Inobitec DICOM Server (hereinafter referred to as PACS) operates in the central mode (cPACS) - like a regular PACS. If the Regional DICOM Server settings are specified in the PACS settings (there is a tick in the "Connect" field, the "Address" (IP-address) field is filled in, the "Name (AETitle)" field is filled in, the "Port" field is filled in), then this PACS will be work in branch mode (dPACS). The settings of the regional DICOM Server (cPACS) are entered in the administrative panel in the "Tasks" section.


Screenshot of the administrative console window of Inobitec DICOM Server with a new interface (from version 2.3).


Screenshot of the administrative console window of Inobitec DICOM Server with the old interface (up to version 2.3).

Схема работы:

Each picture on dPACS is uploaded to cPACS, after which it is marked with a special flag that will not allow this picture to be downloaded again, thereby not causing conflicts in the database or storage.

Instructions Links:

User's manual chapter 1.6.2: Regional DICOM Server.

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