Frequently Asked Question

When viewing series, only part of the images is displayed
Last Updated 2 years ago

When viewing a series in which there are phases (in time or with different B-values) when scrolling with the mouse wheel, only a part is shown (for example, in a series of 40 pictures, but only 20 are shown)



Screenshots with the old interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (before version 2.0)



Screenshots with the new interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (after version 2.0)

This study is divided into phases (by time or by B-value). To view the next phase, move the phase slider to the right. You will be able to see the next phase. In some studies, there may be more than two such phases and the slider will have more divisions.


Screenshot with the old interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (before version 2.0)


Screenshot with the new interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (after version 2.0)

If you want all the pictures in the series not to be divided into phases, and you could see all the pictures at once, you can remove the sorting by phase by right-clicking on the image and selecting “No sorting” in the “Image sorting” menu. Then all the pictures will go in a row, you can scroll the mouse wheel and see all the pictures.


Screenshot with the old interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (before version 2.0)


Screenshot with the new interface of Inobitec DICOM Viewer (after version 2.0)

Instructions Links:
Chapter 2. View Flat Images

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