Frequently Asked Question
Inobitec DICOM Viewer
To find out the version, edition and bitness of the installed program, open the Viewer and select the "Help" - "About" menu.
For a quicker analysis of the problem or the error you have encountered by the Technical Support Service, please provide the log file. You need to send the log file after the error reappears so that the error is written to the log file.
Switch the DICOM Viewer log mode to "Debug" mode.
To do this, select the "Options" - "Settings" menu. In the "General" tab, switch the Log level setting to "Debug" mode.
If you have changed the path to the log file, or do not know its location, you can view it in the "Settings" window. You can also change the location of the log file by clicking the button that is highlighted in purple in the screenshot below.
The default log file is named "dcmviewer.log", you can change the name of the log file in the "Options" window from the screenshot above.
If the program terminated with a crash, the Viewer will write a DUMP file, which must also be submitted to the Technical Support Service.
The standard locations for the log file and DUMP file are:
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Inobitec\Inobitec DICOM Viewer VERSION\Logs - Log file.
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Inobitec\Inobitec DICOM Viewer VERSION\Dumps - DUMP file.
The "Appdata" folder is hidden, to go to it, enter the path in the address bar in the explorer, or configure the visibility of hidden and system files and folders
Linux (using Ubuntu as an example):
/home/USER/.local/share/Inobitec/Inobitec DICOM Viewer VERSION/Logs
The ".local" directory can be hidden, to go to it, enter the path in the address bar in the file manager, or use the console. You can also configure the visibility of hidden files and folders in the system settings.
MacOS (for example 10.14):
~/Library/Application Support/Inobitec/Inobitec DICOM Viewer VERSION/Logs
USER - this is your PC username, and VERSION - this is the DICOM Viewer version.
Inobitec DICOM Server
To find out the version of the installed program, you can use one of the options:
- Open the web console of the DICOM Server in a browser by going to the address:
http://ip-adress:8000 (for versions 2.3.0 and higher)
Where ip-address is the ip address of the device on which the DICOM-Server is installed.
After entering the login information, click the "About" button. - Open the web console of the DICOM Server in a browser by going to the address:
http://ip-address:8000/WebAdmin/index.html (for versions before 2.3.0)
After entering the login data, click the "About" button
New interface of the administrator web console (for versions 2.3.0 and higher).
Old web administrator console interface (for versions before 2.3.0)
- Open Terminal or Command Prompt and enter the command:
For Linux: /srv/PACSServer/bin/pacs_server -v or ./pacs_server -v if you are located in the directory with the program.For Windows: C:\ PACSServer\bin\pacs_server.exe -v or pacs_server.exe -v if you are located in the directory with the program.
Operating system information
- Windows:
Press the key combination "Win" + "Pause / Break" to open the properties window of the operating system, or open Explorer (file manager) and right-click on the line "This computer" (also called "My computer"), select " Properties ".
- Linux (CentOS 6, CentOS 7):
Open the terminal and run the commands:
# cat /etc/redhat-release - View the CentOS release version.
# uname -a - View bit depth (bitness).
- Linux (Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 20):
Open the terminal and run the commands:
# lsb_release -a - View the distribution and version of Ubuntu.
# uname -a - View bit depth (bitness).
- macOS
From the Apple menuin the corner of your screen, choose About This Mac. You should see the macOS name, such as macOS Big Sur, followed by its version number.
Inobitec Technical Support